Military Letters 4th of July Base Mailroom Closures Key Dates Tuesday 7/2: Ensure delivery for all bases before 7/4Thursday 7/4: Sandboxx Mailroom closed … … By Jeremiah Runser Key Dates Tuesday 7/2: Ensure delivery for all bases before 7/4Thursday 7/4: Sandboxx Mailroom closed Please keep in mind, the dates below are subject to change depending
As we head into the Memorial Day weekend we have information about when your loved one’s basic training mailroom will be closed for the holiday, so that you can make sure to get your letters to your recruit before the long weekend. The dates below are subject to change depending on the needs of the
It’s been a few years since I went through recruit training on Parris Island, but I remember the long runs, sand fleas, and (my personal favorite) pugil sticks like it was just yesterday that I first lined up on those famous Yellow Footprints. In hindsight, it wasn’t the physical challenges or the intense training that
We’ve updated our privacy policy to bring you a more personalized Sandboxx experience. These changes are effective beginning 2/1/2024. Our goal is to always be transparent and maintain your trust when it comes to how we collect and use your data. These additions are in line with all current privacy regulations. And, we’ve given you
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and it’s time to sit down and write that special letter to your loved one who is away at training. The idea of writing something meaningful can be a bit daunting. This is your time to pour your heart out and share how much you care with your recruit. Here
If you wanted to know how to get the address of someone in basic training, look no further. Do you know someone who is headed to basic training? This is your guide for mailing address and letter ideas. Basic training is a difficult time, and mail call is something every recruit look forward to. Below
The first base mailroom closure of the year is here. With Martin Luther King Jr. Day around the corner, we wanted to inform you of the military base mailroom closures, as well as the Sandboxx print schedule that may impact the delivery of your letter. Below you’ll find the MLK Jr. Day Print Room Schedule.
Menu Sign In Download App Military Letters 2023 Holiday Military Base Mailroom Shipping Deadlines Head’s up, Letter senders! With the Christmas and New Year holidays around the corner, we … By Sandboxx December 15, 2023 Head’s up, Letter senders! With the Christmas and New Year holidays around the corner, we wanted to inform you of
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so they say. For many military families, this is their first year without their sons, daughters, grandchildren, spouses, and loved ones home for the holidays. A harsh reality of being in the military is that many do not make it home for the holidays. Just because you
The holidays are a time for family and friends to come together. Unfortunately, many military families aren’t able to be there with their loved ones on special occasions. Military mail is an excellent way to stay in contact with your family members and make them feel like they’re a part of the festivities no matter