Month: February 2024

Congress must act to stop Kremlin aggression—for the sake of US interests

Are we at the end of an eighty-year period of US global leadership? The United States emerged as a global leader—no, the key global actor—when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt overcame a long tradition of US isolationism by moving forward with the Lend-Lease program that provided essential aid to keep the United Kingdom in the war

Presidents Day Military Mailroom Closures

We’ve updated our privacy policy to bring you a more personalized Sandboxx experience. These changes are effective beginning 2/1/2024. Our goal is to always be transparent and maintain your trust when it comes to how we collect and use your data. These additions are in line with all current privacy regulations. And, we’ve given you

Ukraine opens new front with drone strikes on Russia’s energy sector

Amid worsening ammunition shortages and mounting concerns over the future of Western military aid, the Ukrainian army has largely switched to active defense in recent months. Nevertheless, as the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches the two-year mark, talk of a stalemate remains premature. While heavy fighting continues at various hot spots along the front

Garlauskas quoted in the Daily Beast on fears of North Korean aggression

ORIGINAL SOURCE On February 5, Markus Garlauskas’ remarks from a recent public event at the Korea Society were quoted by the Daily Beast. The article, examining rising fears of North Korean aggression, referenced his recent comments that the focus should not be on full-scale war, but “in that space between provocation of war.”  Staff Markus

Five Ideas For Your Military Valentine’s Day Letter

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and it’s time to sit down and write that special letter to your loved one who is away at training. The idea of writing something meaningful can be a bit daunting. This is your time to pour your heart out and share how much you care with your recruit. Here

Moller quoted in Foreign Policy on deterrence failure

ORIGINAL SOURCE On February 2, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Sara Bjerg Moller was mentioned in a recent Foreign Policy article by Matthew Kroenig and the Stimson Center’s Emma Ashford. The article, on whether the US can deter or compel Iran, referenced Moller’s claim that “if you have to carry through on your coercive threat deterrence